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tv   MSNBC Live With Craig Melvin  MSNBC  October 4, 2017 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> pete williams, thank you very much for an update on the day that the president has now arrived for several hours on the ground here in las vegas. i'm chris jansing in "andrea mitchell reports." craig melvin takes over our coverage from las vegas. >> good day to you. craig melvin here from las vegas. president trump, again, just landed here just a few moments ago. the president leaving behind several big controversies that threaten to disrupt the image that the white house would very much like to project right now. that of consoler in chief. there it is, air force one on the tarmac, roughly 15 minutes away from where we stand here just off the strip. the big story, of course, right now in addition to the president's trip here to vegas, did the secretary of state, rex tillerson, call president trump a moron? and did he threaten to resign? sources telling nbc news, which first reported this story, that, yes, he did.
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tillerson today responded harshly to the story, but he did not deny calling the president a moron, nor did he deny threatening to resign. reports and analyses from here in las vegas as well as washington and new york. our nbc reporters, kristen welker in vegas, peter alexander at the white house, and carol lee who helped break the tillerson story with us is here, and nbc contributor josh barro, and former nevada governor bob miller will be joining me momentarily as well. kristen, let me start with you. tell us where president trump is going to be headed. >> reporter: well, president trump is going to put the focus on survivors' victims today. he'll head to a local hospital and meeting with them medical personnel. and then he's going to be meeting with some of the first responders, the heroes who helped save so many lives on
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that tragic day here in las vegas. mr. trump making it very clear, he is putting the focus on the community here in leas vegas. the grief, he'll take on the role of consoler in chief. he says now is not the time to talk about the gun control debate. he says that will come in coming days. but right now, he wants to focus on this community in mourning. now, of course, you know on capitol hill, a very different tone, craig. you do have a number of lawmakers saying that this underscores the need for stiffer gun regulation, particularly when it comes to some of these rifles and assault weapons that allows this type of attack to unfold. this comes on the heels of the president's visit to puerto rico yesterday, in which he did get some criticism. on the one hand he went there, again, as consoler in chief, craig, but he raised some eyebrows by joking about the fact that the disaster will add
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to and hurt the federal budget. he compared what happened in puerto rico to the death toll in hurricane katrina, saying far few died. that got a lot of criticism. the mayor and the president of san juan have had a robust back and forth about the recovery effort in san juan. he'll try to turn the page today and keep the focus on this community, again, gripped by grief. craig? >> president trump, again, going to be meeting with survivors and also first responders. we're told kristen welker, we'll check in with you in a bit. peter alexander is standing by. he's at 1600 pennsylvania avenue with the other big story today. this rex tillerson story, peter, what did the secretary of state have to say about all of that a few hours ago -- or last hour, i should say? >> reporter: this was a striking moment where we had this unannounced press availability by the acting secretary of state. he made it very clear in his remarks that he is on the same team, as he said it, one team, one mission with the president.
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he reaffirmed his support of president trump and denied one of the basic points in the nbc report, which is that he ever considered resigning. to be clear, the report said he threatened to resign, not that he ever considered it. only he can determine whether in fact he ever really considered it. nonetheless, here is how rex tillerson sort of deflected when asked about the fundamental element of the story, which is that he had told several other advisers around him last summer, in july, that the president was a, quote, moron. take a listen. >> the vice president has never had to persuade me to remain as secretary of state because i have never considered leaving this post. >> reporter: can you address the main headline of this story, that you called the president a moron? if not, where do you think these reports are -- >> i'm not going to deal with petty stuff like that. >> reporter: the president thought, at least by twitter as he traveled on air force one, that his secretary of state had done a pretty decent job.
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here's what he tweeted moments later, even as i was reaching out to the aides traveling with him. in twitter writing, the nbc news story has just been totally refuted by secretary tillerson and vice president pence. it is fake news. they should issue an apology to america. we then received a statement from the vice president's office as well that made the following statement. take a listen to what they said. they said, the vice president can also confirm that as secretary of state made clear, at no time did he and the secretary ever discuss the prospect of the secretary's resignation from the administration. a couple points to make this very clear here. secretary of state rex tillerson did not ever deny he called the president of the united states a moron. he did not deny that he ever threatened to resign, just that he never really considered it. as for his conversations with the vice president, mike pence, he said the vice president never had to convince him to stay put, but to be clear, nbc news'
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reporting is that he gave him a pep talk and told him he needed to be more respectful. none of the fundamentals of nbc news' reporting have really been challenged here. nbc news stands by its reporting as it comes from at least 12 separate individuals familiar with these details. craig? >> peter, thanks for that. i want to let our viewers know what they're looking at, although it's a bit pixel ated. this is president trump's motorcade. a stone's throw from where i'm in las vegas, the president is passing mandalay bay. we're told the president and first lady, again, are en route to meet with some survivors of the horrific shooting that happened here sunday night. again, president trump traveling by mandalay bay. this is a view outside the front of the press window. that's where we're getting this particular vantage point. a few minutes ago you could see, again, that the hotel where just 32 floors up that gunman open
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fire just a couple of days ago. let's keep this picture up for a moment, if i can. do i still have kristen welsher? >> you do, craig. >> again, this is -- we can actually look out. i just saw what appears to be the motorcade passing our vantage point here. do we know what the president is expected -- do we have any idea what the president is expected to say later today to some of these survivors, some of these first responders? >> reporter: i think that's an important point, craig. i think we're going to witness a much more somber tone than we saw yesterday when the president visited puerto rico. certainly his attempt yesterday was to comfort a community that was still reeling from hurricane maria. but this is something that has clearly impacted the president personally, in the hours after the shooting you will recall he spoke about it in very stark and
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somber terms. calling it an act of pure evil. i can tell you i was at the white house, craig, when this happened -- or the hours after it happened. and the press secretary, sara huck bee sansarah huckabee sand choked up. this is something the administration and the quite country has felt very deeply. i think you're going to see a president trump who is very somber, very on message. i do think his outreach today will be quite personal. as he tries to play the role of comforter in chief, as former president barack obama knew all too well. this is something a number of administrations have tried to address. what is the answer, how to deal with it? again, the president saying he'll engage in that debate but not today. today is about comforting this community. not only the survivors, but all of the heroes, in the words of
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the white house, who tried to save lives. craig? >> former nevada governor bob miller is standing by with me here, as we watch these pictures of the president's motorcade traveling by mandalay bay. governor, it's interesting because when i arrived here on monday -- i've been to vegas a number of times. love your city. but when you stand here and for our viewers at home, we're talking about maybe a football field's length from where we stand, that's where it all went down. it's hard to imagine how the president of the united states and the first lady and the rest of the administration are going to be able to drive by this and not feel what we have been feeling for the past few days. just this sort of punch in the gut. >> it's a tragic and unfortunate circumstance this occurred at all, the worst in u.s. history. i'm sure their reaction as far as sympathy and concern is the
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same. although i disagree as to what we should be doing at this point. i think we should be talking about what we can do legislatively to modify circumstances that would hopefully lessen the prospects of any such future occurrences. >> governor, is there anything you think could have been done to prevent the senseless slaughter? >> hindsight's a great gift, but, you know, whether or not we could have completely stopped this one, i don't know. in nevada we pass universal background checks but the attorney general, who had campaigned against it, curtailed it. i see that our governor, who is also republican, like the attorney general, has now called for a reconsideration of that. you know, these bump stocks, a new dynamic, certainly would have saved some lives had he not had bump stocks, for example. questions that arise about efforts to universalize
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silencers throughout the united states. i don't personally see what's the need for silencers for the average person is. i've been in law enforcement most of my life. i was fortunate to have the endorsement of the nra in most of my elections, but that doesn't mean we can't look at some modifications that might make sense prospectively and hopefully prevent future occurrences like this. >> as we continue to watch these pictures of the president's motorcade rolling by the scene of the tragedy. there have been a number of folks on the other side of the aisle, republicans, you're a democrat, a number of folks who said the conversation that we're having, it's too early to be talking about it. talking about these kind of things politicizes tragedy and that it's disrespectful of the dead and the wounded. what do you say to that? >> i completely disagree. i think now is the time to you should be talking about what we can do prospectively. and i think that the victims and
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the families of the victims, you know, would expect us to be concentrating on those kind of things. this is just a delaying tactic. we've seen in the past that by putting it off, it never happens. nothing ever changes. i think things need to change in some respects. the background checks, for example, is -- the comment about revisiting whether it should be illegal in nevada is by a republican governor, republican u.s. senator at least brought up the concept of bump stocks, even though he's opposed -- said earlier he was opposed to talking about anything. that's just a political line. let's just not talk about it now. it doesn't distract from the tragedy that occurred, the sorrow we feel, the heartache of all those families and all of us that have witnessed it. it does give some comfort to realize that we're trying to do things that will make a difference. >> as we have this conversation again, president trump and the first lady and members of the administration traveling via motorcade from the airport,
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which is maybe 10, 15 minutes away. they drove by mandalay bay. it is unclear at this point precisely where they are going. we believe they are headed to one of the hospitals where literally more than 100 folks are still recovering. some of them are in critical condition. governor, a lot has been made over the past few days about the culture that exists in your state as it relates to guns. and that if the laws weren't as lax as they are here in nevada, comparatively, that perhaps that may have contributed to what we saw on sunday. how would you -- how would you characterize gun laws in this state, as you compare them to other states? >> you know, i think that certainly nevadans for the most part are very defensive of the second amendment. and what gets misplaced is concern that minor modifications
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are somehow going to distract from your right to own a gun. those we're talking about don't. the bump stocks wouldn't necessarily restrict your ability to own guns. mental health checks and background checks wouldn't necessarily restrict lawful americans from owning guns. and so, you can characterize and say, well, is it different here? it's not really much different here than most of the western united states. but i think universally there needs to be a reconsideration as to what the laws are and what we can do to prevent extreme circumstances like this. i mean, who needs 50 weapons for recreational purposes? who needs to have converted to fully automatic weapons for recreational purposes? you know, it's the foretrend of the tragedy that occurred. >> are hotels on the strip, are they doing enough? are they safe enough? should we see some changes at
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hotels like the mandalay bay, at the hotel your father started as well -- which one was it? >> rivera and circus circus. any time there's a tragic occurrence, you need to re-evaluate your own processes. but, you know, we have huge security forces within the hotels. almost like a second police force in each individual hotel. what can be be done differently? you can look at it, as i said, you can second guess. you can say, why didn't think somebody think it was odd ten suitcases being brought in. there's security around entrances of many of the hotels. and i think as we go forward, you know, we'll evaluate what else can be done in that respect. but this could have occurred anywhere. you know, it happened to occur here because the individual was here. but there are high-rise buildings and open fields where events occur in other parts of the country and we to want make sure we avoid it not just here
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but everywhere else in the future. >> the president of the united states, the first lady, presumably governor sandoval and a number of other officials are pulling into university medical center here in las vegas. umc. this is where we're told at least 104 patients were taken after the shooting. 12 of the patients at last check were in critical condition. four of the folks who were taken to university medical center died. governor, you're far more familiar with the geography of this place than i am. where is umc in relationship to where we are now? >> it's probably -- well, they wouldn't obviously have any traffic, so probably take them between 10, 12 minutes to get there off the freeway. it's closer to downtown than we are now. the closest hospital is sunrise hospital. my wife happens to be the chairman of the board of sunrise. they actually handled over 185 patients. so, they handled more.
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umc is a public institution. sunrise is private. so, i think most of the government officials suggested to the president to go to the public facility. >> again -- josh barro, stand by. i want to come to you in a moment there in new york. again, we're told president trump is going to be spending some time talking to survivors of the shooting, talking to some members of their families, presumably this is closed to the press, so the pictures you just saw will likely be the last pictures that we get for some time. josh, you wrote about the shooting here recently. and you assert that this time the conversation may actually be a bit different than the conversations that we have had in the wake of shootings like this in the past. why is that, you think? >> i think it's because this issue with the bump stocks, these devices that make a semi-automatic weapon behave like an automatic weapon so you can get off many rounds per second makes the shooting, much
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more deadly. this is a new issue. it's contrary to public policy in the united states. for over 80 years we've had very stringent controls on machine guns, on automatic weapons. and that is not something that is controversial in the same way that various other aspects of the gun control debate are. so, i think that there's possibility here -- this is unusual for a mass shooting in that there really does seem to be a specific policy intervention that would have made a lot of difference. often after mass shootings people will talk about background checks, waiting periods, those sort of things but it's not clear those would have prevented the specific shooting. in this instance it appears the gunman acquired his guns legally and would have passed a background check. but you do have a very specific policy that you could implement here that would make it difficult for somebody to try to copycat this. that's something that i worry about because, you know, the number of places where you have large numbers of people who gather outside within view of a tall hotel is enormous. the flip side is what the shooter here did is quite
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complicated, involved a lot of resources, cost a lot of money. i think it's a difficult thing for other would-be mass shooters to replicate. i think we can make it more difficult by making these device he apparently used illegal. >> again, a live look outside university medical and the flag there, like so many flags, not just around las vegas, but all over this country over the past few days, that flag is at half-staff right now. governor, assuming we hear from president trump later today, what do the people of las vegas, what do the people of nevada, the people of the united states of america, need to hear from the president today? >> well, the fact that he's here is a positive thing. and this is an instance where federal and local law enforcement worked arm in arm in a very positive manner and task forces that have been prestructured for these type of purposes, obviously, very well trained for the eventuality of
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an occurrence you hope would never happen but did. so him coming here talking to victims is, after all, he is the president of the united states, i think, you know, does indicate a national concern about it. i do hope that he and all the members of congress move forward and not delay taking a look at some modifications that might prevent it in the future. >> governor miller, thanks for your time this afternoon. our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the people of las vegas. we're going to continue to keep a very close eye on that hospital. again, president trump there right now meeting with survivors, meeting with hospital staff as well, doctors, legions of medical professionals who have spent the better part of the last few days doing god's work. let's pivot back to the other big story of the day. again, this rex tillerson story. we have one of the reporters that broke that story for nbc news, carol lee. carol lee is standing by for us. carol, first of all, how did the
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secretary of state's response to your story, how did that jibe with the story itself? >> well, he didn't deny the story. pretty much it basically corroborated it in many ways. let's talk -- let's take this piece by piece. the secretary said that vice president mike pence never counselled him to not resign. our story doesn't say that. it says that vice president mike pence gave secretary tillerson a pep talk. according to a number of officials, including in the white house, was seen as a liaison to try to get rex tillerson to -- as one person put it to us, to be more respectful of the president in private and publicly. and that he essentially delivered a message to him saying, look, you need to get on board with the president's agenda if this is going to work, if you're going to move forward. that conversation, that meeting happened after secretary mattis and john kelly, who's now the chief of staff, had
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conversations with tillerson and tried to convince him to stay. our story says rex tillerson considered resigning. he said he never resigned. that's different. he never denied he called the president a moron. i recently spoke to a white house official who said, well, you know, we thought that we were willing to give rex tillerson the benefit of the doubt and that he didn't say that, but not denying it sends a clear message that he probably did say it. so, those are just three of the things, if you look at what the secretary said, you know, in terms of addressing our story. if you look at what else he did with his statement, he really tried to, you know, for lack of a better phrase, suck up to the boss. he was saying that, you know, donald trump's foreign policy is out of the box and he's on board with that, which we know, given their policy disputes, is not necessarily the case. he said that he's not finished yet. there's a lot of work to do. he praised the president.
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and i think that at the end of his comments, the question that hangs over the state department is whether that's going to do it for the president, if that's enough. if the president still has confidence in rex tillerson. the other thing that i would adhere is that the president saying that the story is false. let's just be clear. if he were to accept that this story is true, which it is, then he would have to fire rex tillerson. that would come after a lot of turmoil in his administration, including just last week one of his cabinet secretaries being fired. >> that's right. tom price, just five days ago now, although it seems like -- as is the case with many things in this administration, seems like eons ago. how long does rex tillerson survive? >> the death count has been going for a while.
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and it would appear at first blush he has bought himself some time today. carol's right, if both sides of this story had -- of the argument described in this story basically, you know, kind of a world view argument and a policies and procedures argument about how rex tillerson interacted with other members of the administration, if both halves of that equation had acknowledged the depth of the rift, then the president would have no choice but to fire tillerson or tillerson would have no choice but to resign. and our reporting also shows that that isn't something that either side really wants to have happen right now. it would be better optically, and certainly for the work that the state department is currently doing for tillerson, to say ftay for a while.
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my best guess on that, which probably isn't worth a great deal is, you know, absent some other event, he would stay probably into next year. i mean, a respectful amount of time. he took office in february, so you can do the math there. beyond that, tillerson has had a really rough go of it. he has had a rough go at the state department itself and certainly within the administration. he speaks for mainstream republican foreign policy, that while that should be no surprise to anyone, has not fit well with some of what the president wanted to do and some of what his advisers want to do. and tillerson doesn't like being told what to do by people he considers to be junior to him. and he hasn't always, apparently, liked being directed by the president either. you can see that each would
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chafe at that relationship. >> again, i think we should probably underscore that one would surmise that if you had not called your boss a moron, then you would probably during the course of a news conference vehemently deny calling your boss a moron. carol lee, josh barrow, anne gearan, thanks for your time this afternoon. when we come back here, the investigation intensifies into precisely what caused the las vegas gunman to go on that deadly rampage. the fbi is expected to question his girlfriend this hour in los angeles. she just returned to the country. what did she know? her family is speaking out for the first time. >> can put the puzzle together, no one except marilou because he's not here to talk anymore. only marilu can maybe help.
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we are back live from leas
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vegas where investigators are calling the mass shooting meticulously planned. they released this disturbing body cam video. before we show it to you, i want to warn you this is quite disturbing to watch. [ gunfire ] >> you can see officers arriving on the scene as a hail of gunfire is raining down on them. police are also investigating how photos taken inside the gunman's hotel room just after the raid, how those photos were leaked. the gunman's girlfriend arrived back in the united states last night. she was escorted by fbi agents. joining me to talk about that part of the story here in las vegas is nbc stephanie gosk and justice correspondent pete williams is in washington,
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closely following this investigation. let me start with you, pete. officials saying he meticulously planned this assault. are we any closer to a motive this afternoon? >> yeah, a little bit but not enough to say what it is. the fbi's deputy director said today on cnbc that the usual indicators that exist in these cases just aren't here and that they still don't know what the motive is. they're hoping something going on right now may bring them closer to the answer. at the fbi's field office in los angeles, which is where marilou danley arrived last night, she's now being questioned by the las vegas police with the assistance of the fbi. now, the las vegas police are in charge of that questioning. this is still their case. it's not a federal case. the fbi is helping out. but they're going to interview her. they want to know what she knows. did she have any idea that her boyfriend, stephen paddock, was planning something like this? did she wonder why he was
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acquiring all these guns? 33 rifles he bought in the past year, a large amount of ammunition, high-capacity magazines. did she think he was going to do something like this? if she didn't, did she notice some deterioration? was he falling apart? was he having a mental breakdown? did he have financial troubles? did he have some kind of grievance? those are questions that they very much hope that she can answer. now, her sisters, who live in australia where she's from, say they believe that he gave her a ticket to fly out of the country to visit relatives in the philippines to get her out of the way so he could do this and she knew nothing about it. that's what the sisters say. the fbi wants to hear from her. in the meantime, one other things, craig, about the weapons that were in the hotel room. 12 of them now, the atf says, had these bump stocks on the back, which allow them to be fired extremely rapidly. almost like automatic weapons fire. today senator dianne feinstein
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of california introduced a bill in congress to ban them, to ban the sale, manufacture or even possession of them. you're looking although a bump stock here. it's typical to the kind that are often used. they simply allow the recoil action of the rifle to pull the trigger and it speeds it up much faster. we noted it's now no longer possible to find them on the websites of either walmart or cabella's, the sporting goods store cabella's. walmart says they never should have been on their site anyway. they're third-party items. once they realized they were there, they took them down. cabella's hasn't responded to a request from us for comment, but the point is, you can't find them on their website anymore. >> pete, really quickly, i want to go back to that picture we were just showing folks of the gunman's hotel sdodoor. can you see police tape in front of it. reports about surveillance cameras outside his hotel room. what more can you tell us about that? >> well fshg the sheriff's
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office has been very straightforward about that, craig, so we don't have to depend on reports. we know what they've told us, which is he had three cameras. one looking one way down the hallway, the other one looking the other way down the hallway so that he could see someone coming from either direction toward his room. and the third camera was looking through the hotel room peep window so that he could see from that angle as well. and it apparently worked because when a security officer approached the room after the shooting had started, that officer was shot. paddock basically turned around from where he was firing out the window and shot at the door. and the security officer was wounded and retreated. and then the s.w.a.t. team came in later. >> pete williams, pete, thank you. stephanie gosk is with me in las vegas. i want to pick up on what pete was giving us about the girlfriend. what more do we know about this woman? we know she's being questioned
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but beyond that? >> there's a lot of mystery about the shooting and build-up to it. we know where she comes from and who she is. she was born in the philippines. she's an australian citizen. we've heard in the last 24 hours a number of family members coming up to speak in her defense. this is what her sister had to say earlier. >> she didn't even know she's going to the philippines until steve said, oh, marilou, i found you a cheap ticket to the philippines. >> he send her away so he can plan his planning without interruption. in that sense, i thank him for sparing my sister's life. but that wouldn't compensate 59 people's lives. >> certainly investigators will be asking her what she knew about this trip, what he said to her and this $100,000 he wired to a bank in the philippines. beyond that, we're learning about how they met each other.
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we know she had come to the u.s., was married in 1990, was in the process of divorce proceedings from that marriage and she listed the residence for paddock in reno as her own residence between 2013 and 2015. we know from neighbors that they lived together. but one neighbor said she actually never really saw them together. and that she felt bad for her because neighbors knew that he was a prolific gambler, he wasn't around very often. she said she often reached out to her to talk because she felt bad for her. but that marilou was -- she liked to go to the gym. she did a zumba class with one of her neighbors. she was very friendly. they met at a casino in reno where his brother said he was a high roller, she was a hostess and that's where they fell in love. we heard from neighbors that she described their relationship being more like friends. there's a bit of discrepancy in that description. >> stephanie gosk, thanks so much for that.
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we also now know where those russian facebook ads, where they were actually targeting voters. we've got some new reporting on that. and moments ago facebook will testify before congressional investigators. more on that next. oh, you brought butch. yeah! (butch growls at man) he's looking at me right now, isn't he? yup. (butch barks at man) butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. (laughs) (vo) you can never have too many faithful companions. introducing the all-new crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. burning, pins-and-needles, of diabetic nerve pain these feet... liked to style my dog as a kid... loved motherhood, rain or shine... and were pumped to open my own salon. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer.
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to be connected to russian targeted a number of states, including typical democratic stro strongholds like wisconsin, michigan, which ultimately went for donald trump. they also targeted ohio, georgia, florida, missouri. and a number of other both red and blue states. these details coming from two people who are familiar with the ads themselves. also word a short time ago from a facebook spokesperson this hour that facebook will be testifying before house and sth senate committees now it's to speak to ned price, special assistant to president obama, and nbc news analyst matt miller. matt, if you were a congressman and you were on this committee and a facebook executive were testifying before you, what would you ask? >> i'd want to know more details about those ads, where they were targeted, what the content was. i think one of the questions
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weave not spent enough time focusing on, it's not just a question of ads but for both facebook and twitter. we know there was other activity sponsored by the russian government, fake accounts, troll accounts, both accounts and they were used to spread misinformation by driving information up the lis of what's trending. i think facebook has started to do a better job of telling members of congress what happened in terms of advertising. they need to do a lot more about telling members of congress and the public about what other activity on those sites and what they're going to do to police it going forward. >> you know, matt, we're talking about facebook, but what about other social media companies? you mentioned twitter. there are a handful of others out there. can the government force a private company to disclose who was behind ads, who's behind other questionable content? can the government do that? >> they certainly can. it's one of the questions
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congress has to look at. if you look political advertising, it's very much regulated, candidate ads are regulated. that's largely -- that's largely not extended in the same -- with the same kind of robust legal architecture to social media sites. it's one of the things that i think congress will have to take a look at. if facebook and google aren't going to police what activities happen on their sites that might be sponsored by foreign governments, that's the type of thing congress might want to take a look at in term of whether we need new laws going forward. >> ned, we just heard a few moments ago from senators burr and senator warner of the intelligence committee over the timeliness of the current administration's investigation into hacking attempts by russia. this is what senator warner said. take a listen.
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>> it has been very disappointing to me, and the chairman i believe as well, that it took 11 months for the department of homeland security to reveal those 21 states. >> ned, why would it take dhs so long to move on this? >> well, craig, i think we could understand that delay if dhs had come forward with a coordinated strategy to put forward those 21 states. and put that in context so americans and our allies over a overseas who may be prone to some of the same russian maneuvers could understand and fortify themselves against future russian efforts. i think what we saw from dhs over the past few days has been muddled messages. the first list they put forward wasn't exactly right. they later amended that, removing a state, i belief was the case. i can't say what has taken dhs so long. i can say this is a complicated
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process. there are forensics involved, there needs to be a concerted campaign with the proper context to release this. but it doesn't seem that dhs has done that and the way they've rolled this out has been somewhat surprising, if not baffling. >> ned, while i have you here i want to get your take on the other big story today. this nbc news report that secretary of state rex tillerson considered resigning over the summer. additionally that he called his boss a moron at one point during a meeting this summer. what do you make of what appears to be an obvious tension inside this administration between the president and his secretary of state? >> well, this is nothing new, craig. i think it's something we've seen over the course of several months, whether it's how this administration has dealt with the gulf crisis, the disagreement between qatar and its neighbors, whether over the iran deal. we have come to understand that secretary tillerson is much more amenable to staying in the deal than is his boss, president trump. and any number of other issues. i think what you saw today, as
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others have said, is secretary tillerson was essentially pandering to an audience of one. he tried to deny a couple of the allegations, but he actually side-stepped those allegations and didn't deny what the article alleged. and there was actually a confirmation by omission. if an article contains three specific allegations and you deny two of those, you have essentially confirmed the third. that was the fact that secretary tillerson appears to have called his boss a moron following a national security council meeting in july. >> ned price, matt miller, always good to have your insights. thanks, guys. >> thank you. >> thanks. when we come back here in las vegas, we're going to meet an iraq war veteran who teamed up with another concertgoer on sunday night to literally save dozens of lives behind me. your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall.
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with medical personnel. the investigation progresses on a number of fronts. we have continued to learn more about the bravery that was displayed here just behind me, a few short days ago. two heroes join me now, taylor and jen put the lives of wounded victims, strangers ahead of their own when they rushed toward the crowd, loading dozens of folks into a truck and transporting them to a local hospital. walk me through what happened on sunday when you guys knew something was terribly wrong? >> as everyone kind of said, it started out as the sound of fireworks, pretty standard for festivals to have one. the second round that were fired off was a little bit more familiar and i started getting concerned and looking around and that's when she had ran back to
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me. and the third, that was when jason aldean ran offstage and woe knew things were going to be bad. we started making our way toward the fence line and trying to get out of is there as quickly as possible, and nonstop firing and bullets hitting everywhere and people next to us getting shot and we were trying to tell people to keep their heads down and just trying to get away from the gun fire, because nobody really knew exactly where it was coming from. after all the fear had kind of worn off and we were trying to get away and we got to the fence line and once we got ourselves over, we saw the lot with the vehicles and that's when we tried to queue into action and tried to help people. >> jen, to be clear, folks see the back brace now, and they think that was an injury sustained during the concert, you had broken your back cliff
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jumping. >> so here you are with a broken back, helping people into vehicles. >> at the moment, me acute broken bones were no concern compared to what those people were experiencing, the rush of a adrenaline and everything and just set it aside. >> what were the people saying while you were hoelping them? >> it was a lot of hysteria, we, when we were in the truck, we tried to, you know, have conversations with them to keep them calm, but it was very superficial, like what is your name and where are you hurt, things like that? >> do you have a background in medicine? >> no, none. my mom works in the medical industry and i watched tv and movies, that's about it. >> she was applying a bunch of
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pressure to the wounds as much as she could and we were trying to get people to the hospital as fast as possible. >> why not just stay down and try to stay alive? >> at that point, it was just more than yourself going on and we were very capable of helping so we did. >> we have got some pictures of this car that you were driving, i think to get to the hospital. how many folks do you think you managed to safe and gve and get hospital? >> roughly, a couple dozen, 20 to 30 people, estimated. >> have you been able to talk to any of those folks sense? >> one of the victims was a friend's sister and she had reached out and thanked me, and we have had some others who have been asking to meet with us from the hospital, we may try to queue that up before we leave vegas. >> there's a big charity concert in vegas tonight. >> at stony's rocking country at
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town square, they have pulled together some of the artists who were performing and some were flying in to do a free show, no cover, all proceeds, bar, everything's going to the victims of this tragedy. >> there's some information on the screen there, for our viewers and listeners like myself who love love, you guys had just been dating like a few weeks, right? >> yes. >> this takes dating to a whole new level. keep us posted on this thing. now it's awkward here. we will be right back. now? watch me. ♪ think i'd give up showing these guys how it's done? please. real people with active psoriatic arthritis are changing the way they fight it... they're moving forward with cosentyx®. it's a different kind of targeted biologic. it's proven to help people find less joint pain
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and that is going to wrap up this hour of msnbc live here in las vegas. my colleague katie tur is going to pick things up from new york. >> it is 11:00 a.m. out west where you are and 2:00 p.m. in washington and at any moment we're expecting a briefing at the state department, it will be the first that rex tillerson held a news conference today. secretary tillerson was on the verge of resigning this past summer and that at a july meeting at the pentagon, tillerson called president trump a, quote, moron, according to three officials familiar with the incident. also that tillerson was counseled by vice president mike pence on ways to ease tensions with the president. tillerson tr


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